This one time in Symphonic Band…

I’ve harkened back to the American Pie days in 1999 just to find a proper title for this post. I’m feeling good so far.

I’ve nearly completed the initial spreadsheet, extracting as many names from the 1996 Sweet Home High School yearbook and getting them sorted and organized. I also added the deceased Producer and Guidance Counselor John Daken, and the “Disney” Band Conductor John Wade.

Overall I have 81 names, 2 being Teachers and 79 being Students, and one that I’m sure the yearbook staff misnamed in the band images and I couldn’t initially locate in my searching. I also learned that I do not have absolutely everyone that would have attended that trip, as I was not part of the band photos and was not listed as a “not listed” individual, which adds to the difficulty of finding and communicating with all souls present.

Otherwise, the next steps are going to be logical:

  1. Get a gmail address so that I can communicate with all these people
  2. Set up a website, complete with purpose and status updates that I can move this conversation to.
  3. Prepare general scripts for both digital and written communication
  4. Maybe create a post card and get that mass sent out.
  5. Get ready to scan Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media sites
  6. and other things I can’t think about right now

Albeit the journey has begun, every step is a small battle looking to accomplish a win and completely dominate this awesome war.

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