
Time to finally try to eat a pizza. Gotta remember to get one ordered.

I’ve decided on my two goals for 2015. They seem pretty huge and seen far out, but that is what goals are for anyways:

Goal 1: Clear myself of financial debt

This might not be as easy as it sounds. I have to be extra, extra special frugal and heavily track expenses. I’ve already quit smoking and taken in roommates. I do know that at this point, there are 6.75 months of the year remaining, and as long as I keep my job that’s 50% of my salary for the remainder of the year that could cover all of that as payback.

Goal 2: …i have to remember this

I DID know what this was, and now suddenly forgot. I don’t know if the goal was to remember more or not, but there was a legit hard-ass Goal #2.


Is exactly that, a choice. Mainly, people who are offended by things they choose to be offended by things. People who like/dislike? Choice. Hugging/Kissing vs Life decisions? All choices. We are born, raised, and die by choices. Make the right choices and your good to go. The wrong ones will only put you down if you choose to have them do that to you.

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