
One of my “major” projects was creating a “simple” family tree. Simple went a long way with words.

This was more of an exercise on both Learning Bootstrap and making sure all POST requests occur with JSON ala vanilla javascript.

Suffice to say it went very well. heick.family will now be my yearly $30 pain to my last-namesake on top of normal server costs.


(and no, greek has nothing to do with the family, as far as i’ve been able to find so far)

The Hunt for a 25 Year Old Video

After getting my hands on a 1996 Sweet Home High School yearbook (courtesy of EBay seller quasimodo) I was able to get some names and start my journey to finding a 1996 Band Trip Video for the Disney Magic Music Days.

If memory serves me correctly the original Guidance Counselor that filmed this trip was John Daken:

High School Yearbook / Staff

I’ve also got the Wind Ensemble and Concert Band, a plethora of names of people to track down and figure out if they have a some copy of the original video.

So, my first goal is to get all these names into a Google Spreadsheet and scan social media and old address books and track everyone down.

Bon voyage à moi!